A sweet taste and enticing aroma has helped Backwoods cigars become the best-selling machine-made brand on the market. Backwoods cigars are well-known for several flavored blends, including Black & Sweet, Honey, Honey Bourbon, Honey Berry, and Sweet Aromatic. A non-flavored Backwoods called Original is also available. Because of their tapering shape and rustic, unfinished foot, Backwoods cigars are closely associated with old-school spaghetti westerns and the De Nobili Toscani cigarillos Clint Eastwood smoked on the silver screen, despite the fact that they didn’t hit the market until 1981. Backwoods cigars are packaged in an airtight foil pouch and they almost look like beef jerky at a glance. When you’re craving cheap cigarillos with a sweet taste, Backwoods flavors could be just the ticket. Toss a few packs of Backwoods in the glovebox to tide over any newbies who want to invade your premium cigar stash. Let them get the hang of smoking cigars with inexpensive Backwoods cigars first.